9/22(금)~9/23(토), [한국보건대학원협의회] Go WHO Korea Workshop
행사 관련 기본 정보
1. 개요 : WHO 서태평양 지역사무소와 연세대학교, 연세대학교 의료법윤리학연구원, 보건복지부 주관의 국제기구 취업을 위한 설명회를 진행 (Job Fair)

3. 관련사항: 국제기구 취업을 위한 경력 안내, 이력서 및 자기소개서 등의 평가
4. 행사대상: 대학원 3-4학년생 및 대학원생(석사, 박사과정, 박사후연구원) *나이제한 없음
To the recipients,
Yonsei University is collaborating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO) to organize an event called the 'Go WHO Workshop’.
The overview of the 'Go WHO Workshop' is as follows:
1) Introduce WHO’s roles and activities to young Korean professionals;
2) Orient young Korean professionals of WHO’s recruitment practices;
3) Coach young professionals on CV writing and interview; and
4) Attract more young talent to the Organization.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of WHO’s role in international health.
They will also become familiar with WHO’s recruitment process, CV writing, and competency-based interviews.
[Date and Place]
The event will take over two days, from September 22nd to 23rd, 2023, at Yonsei University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
· Day 1(September 22nd): Baekyang-nuri, Grand Ballroom
· Day 2(September 23rd): Baekyang-nuri, International Conference Room
[Co-Hosting Organization]
· World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO)
· Ministry of Health and Welfare, Republic of Korea
· Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
* Day 1 : Open to all registered participants
* Day 2 : Open on a first-come, first-served basis for participants who sign up
· Day 1 : Opening Remarks
WHO Overview
Recruitment Process
CV and Cover Letter Writing
Written Test Theory and Practice
Competency Based Interview Theory and Practice
Experience in WHO (Group Discussion)
Q & A
Comments on the Workshop
· Day 2 : One-on-one consultations on CV, Test and Interview
[Pre-registration Required]
* No specific format or length restrictions for CV and Cover Letter.
* CV and Cover letter should be submitted.
1) ※※※ No Pre-registration fee required ※※※
2) Provide personal information through the pre-registration link - https://forms.gle/YE8izaMqNisJGi6fA
3) CV (Resume; should include: “Experience / Education / Background / Training / Others”)
4) Cover Letter (Introduction of oneself)
* If you have any problems uploading your resume and cover letter on the form, please send your files to an e-mail right below; including your name and phone number on it.
- E-mail: gowho2023@gmail.com
We warmly extend our invitation to those who share an interest in the World Health Organization(WHO).
This program has been customized to cater to university juniors (3rd - 4th year) up to graduate students (participants of all ages are welcome).
Once you complete the pre-registration, we will provide further instructions, along with a confirmation email at a later date.
For any inquiries, please direct them to the following email addresses:
- E-mail: (WHO WPRO) suhi@who.int
- E-mail: (Yonsei University) j1ee24@yuhs.ac