
[국제백신연구소] Associate Research Scientist 채용정보


국제백신연구소Policy & Economic Research Department 에서 Associate Research Scientist 를 모집합니다.


[채용 기관 및 부서]

  • 기관 국제백신연구소

  • 부서 : Policy & Economic Research Department

[주요 업무]

1. Conduct of PER research projects

  • Conduct cost-effectiveness analyses

  • Carry out field-based cost-of-illness (economic burden) studies

  • Develop research plan, write protocols, and update tools for Policy and Economics Research studies under the supervision of a senior scientist

  • Implement all aspects of data collection activities in the field and conduct economic and econometric analyses as per the research plan independently

2. PER research, data analyses and data dissemination

  • Write manu'script' and develop presentations on the research work with minimum support from supervisor

  • Develop innovative Policy and Economics Research ideas and support in writing grant proposals

3. Represent Policy and Economics Research within IVI, support institutional activities and effectively communicate with external collaborators

[자격 요건]

  • 최종 학력 석사 이상/ 박사 우대 (Applied Economics, Health Economics, Public Health, etc)

  • 경력 경력 (M.S.: 7+ years / Ph.D.: 3+ years)

[근무 조건]

    • 근무 시간 주 40시간 (오전 9시 오후 6시)

    • 근무 형태 정규직

    • 급여 조건 회사 내규에 따름

[채용 절차]

    • 서류 전형 및 면접 전형 면접 일정은 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락 예정

    • 제출 서류 영문 이력서 (파일명은 ‘Associate Research Scientist(PER)_영문성명’으로 작성)

    • 지원 방법 홈페이지 접수 (https://www.ivi.int/associate-research-scientist_per-copy/)

    • 지원 기간 채용 마감 시까지