[국제백신연구소] Research Assistant 채용정보
국제백신연구소 Biosafety Team 에서 Associate Biosafety Officer 를 모집합니다.
[채용 기관 및 부서]
· 기관 : 국제백신연구소
· 부서 : Biosafety Team
[주요 업무]
1. Ensure biosafety of laboratory and biological agents
· Monitors and Inspects research activities for compliance with national and international biosafety requirements pertaining to the use, handling, and disposal of Biological Agents (HDP, LMO, toxin etc.), biohazardous agents, toxin, and recombinant DNA molecules.
· Serves as principal source of expertise to the pathogens managing and recording the number of pathogens owned and used by each lab for protecting laboratories, staff, and the environment from contamination and infectious organisms.
2. Support on team projects and lab related tasks
· Assist the Senior Officer for Biosafety & Laboratory Maintenance in preparation of any project related materials such as presentations and reports for internal and external
· Perform any other tasks required, which may include additional background research data collection, information gathering
· Participate as a member of the emergency response team
· Participate in investigations of laboratory related accidents/incidents
3. Other activities
· Provide support to unit (or department)
[자격 요건]
· 최종 학력 : Master’s degree or equivalent
· 경력 : Biosafety or safety in laboratory
[근무 조건]
· 근무 시간 : 주 40시간 (오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시)
· 근무 형태 : 정규직
· 급여 조건 : 회사 내규에 따름
[채용 절차]
· 서류 전형 및 면접 전형 : 면접 일정은 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락 예정
· 제출 서류 : 영문 이력서 (파일명은 ‘Associate Biosafety Officer)_영문성명’으로 작성)
· 지원 방법 : 홈페이지 접수 (https://www.ivi.int/associate-biosafety-officer-biosafety-team/)
· 지원 기간 : 채용 마감 시까지
[채용 기관 및 부서]
· 기관 : 국제백신연구소
· 부서 : Biosafety Team
[주요 업무]
1. Ensure biosafety of laboratory and biological agents
· Monitors and Inspects research activities for compliance with national and international biosafety requirements pertaining to the use, handling, and disposal of Biological Agents (HDP, LMO, toxin etc.), biohazardous agents, toxin, and recombinant DNA molecules.
· Serves as principal source of expertise to the pathogens managing and recording the number of pathogens owned and used by each lab for protecting laboratories, staff, and the environment from contamination and infectious organisms.
2. Support on team projects and lab related tasks
· Assist the Senior Officer for Biosafety & Laboratory Maintenance in preparation of any project related materials such as presentations and reports for internal and external
· Perform any other tasks required, which may include additional background research data collection, information gathering
· Participate as a member of the emergency response team
· Participate in investigations of laboratory related accidents/incidents
3. Other activities
· Provide support to unit (or department)
[자격 요건]
· 최종 학력 : Master’s degree or equivalent
· 경력 : Biosafety or safety in laboratory
[근무 조건]
· 근무 시간 : 주 40시간 (오전 9시 ~ 오후 6시)
· 근무 형태 : 정규직
· 급여 조건 : 회사 내규에 따름
[채용 절차]
· 서류 전형 및 면접 전형 : 면접 일정은 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락 예정
· 제출 서류 : 영문 이력서 (파일명은 ‘Associate Biosafety Officer)_영문성명’으로 작성)
· 지원 방법 : 홈페이지 접수 (https://www.ivi.int/associate-biosafety-officer-biosafety-team/)
· 지원 기간 : 채용 마감 시까지