[Doctors Without Borders(MSF) Korea] Recruitment information session

Dear Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Health,
The information session will be online, our page for information sessions is here and the zoom registration link is here.
I am hoping that you can send the session information to your students and alumnae. Every year, thousands of international staff of all nationalities carry out field assignments, working along our locally hired staff to provide lifesaving medical assistance to people who will otherwise be denied access to healthcare, clean water, and shelter. We rely on medical staff, logisticians, technical specialists, administrators, and many more to provide care to millions of people caught in crises in over 70 countries around the world.
The upcoming recruitment information session is an opportunity for prospective applicants to learn more about what life is like working in the field, the profiles we are looking for, and the steps in the application process. We employ professionals, so applicants need to have work experience, but if someone is interested in applying at some point they can attend an information session at any time.
Katherine Smith
Field HR Manager – MSF Korea

Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Korea
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