Test of Korean Language for the foreign students(the 1st semester, 2020) 2020.1학기 외국인학생의 한국어시험 실시 안내(논문제출자격시험)
2020학년도 1학기 석사,박사학위 논문제출자격시험 외국인학생의 한국어시험 실시 안내입니다.
This is the guide for the test of Korean language for the foreign students who take the thesis submmission qualifying examination(master, doctor candidate).
And this guides apply for the foreign students whose native language or official language is English.
The relevant students must take this test of Korean language OR take the class "Korean Language and Culture 1" or "Korean Language and Culture 2". And the students who take these class have to get the credit above "C-"
1. 시험 과목: 한국어시험(필답고사)
1. Subject for test: Korean (witten examination)
2. 응시대상: 외국인학생
2. Subject to participation: foreign students
3. 주관: 교무처
3. responsibility department: Academic Affair Office
4. 응시원서 교부 및 접수: 3. 2.(금)~3.25.(수)
4. Applicaiton period: 2020. 3. 2(Fri..) ~ 3. 25.(Wed.)
(The application form is attached.)
응시원서를 작성하여 보건대학원 행정실로 접수 부탁드립니다.
Please submit the application form to GSPH Office 221-211(보건대학원 행정실)
5. 시험일자: 2019. 4. 3(금) 오전9:30~10:30(60분)
5. Test date: 2019. 4. 3(Fri.) AM 9:30 ~ 10:30 (60min.)
6. 시험장소: 보건대학원 221동 202호
6. Test place: GSPH Building No.221 - 202
번호 카테고리 제목 작성자 조회 작성일
공지사항 학사 보건대학원43822025-01-17
35 - 보건대학원12112020-02-26