2024년 1학기 삼성꿈장학재단 글로벌 희망 장학생(Global Hope Scholarship) 선발 안내
1. Global Hope Scholarship
This scholarship is given by the Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation to foster outstanding graduate students from developing countries that have the potential to become global leaders.
2. Eligible Applicants (must meet all the below requirements, KGSP students NOT applicable)
- Academic status:
1) Undergraduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the Spring 2024 semester
2) Undergraduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Bachelor’s program
3) Graduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the Spring 2024 semester
4) Graduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Master’s or a PhD program
- Nationality: Must be a country listed on the DAC List of ODA Recipients (see attached list for details)
- Financial status: In case of an undergraduate student, a student that does not receive any other scholarships that involves tuition waiver
- Other requirements: must be a holder of a TOPIK score of level 3 (or higher)
3. Candidates to be selected: 2 persons
4. Scholarship Benefits
- Full tuition waiver
- Monthly stipend (KRW 650,000 each month)
- Study Allowance (maximum KRW 5,000,000 each semester)
5. Scholarship Period (supported within the normative period)
- Bachelor’s degree program: maximum 8 semesters
- Master's degree program: maximum 4 semesters
-Doctoral degree program: maximum 6 semesters
6. Required Documents
- Application form (use attached form, both Korean and English acceptable)
- Academic transcript and graduation certificate (for Doctoral degree students, both Bachelor’s and Master’s)
-TOPIK score transcript (score of level 3 or higher) ☞ must be a valid score as of submission date
- Certificate of scholarship (must show the list of scholarships that the applicant is currently receiving)
☞ Not required for freshmen
7. Deadline:
- Submit required documents to GSPH administration office(sjhy0607@snu.ac.kr) via an email by January 10th, 2024
This scholarship is given by the Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation to foster outstanding graduate students from developing countries that have the potential to become global leaders.
2. Eligible Applicants (must meet all the below requirements, KGSP students NOT applicable)
- Academic status:
1) Undergraduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the Spring 2024 semester
2) Undergraduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Bachelor’s program
3) Graduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the Spring 2024 semester
4) Graduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Master’s or a PhD program
- Nationality: Must be a country listed on the DAC List of ODA Recipients (see attached list for details)
- Financial status: In case of an undergraduate student, a student that does not receive any other scholarships that involves tuition waiver
- Other requirements: must be a holder of a TOPIK score of level 3 (or higher)
3. Candidates to be selected: 2 persons
4. Scholarship Benefits
- Full tuition waiver
- Monthly stipend (KRW 650,000 each month)
- Study Allowance (maximum KRW 5,000,000 each semester)
5. Scholarship Period (supported within the normative period)
- Bachelor’s degree program: maximum 8 semesters
- Master's degree program: maximum 4 semesters
-Doctoral degree program: maximum 6 semesters
6. Required Documents
- Application form (use attached form, both Korean and English acceptable)
- Academic transcript and graduation certificate (for Doctoral degree students, both Bachelor’s and Master’s)
-TOPIK score transcript (score of level 3 or higher) ☞ must be a valid score as of submission date
- Certificate of scholarship (must show the list of scholarships that the applicant is currently receiving)
☞ Not required for freshmen
7. Deadline:
- Submit required documents to GSPH administration office(sjhy0607@snu.ac.kr) via an email by January 10th, 2024
전체 965
번호 카테고리 제목 작성자 조회 작성일
공지사항 학사 보건대학원45592025-01-17