Div. of Health care Management and Policy

◼︎ Classes offered
Course CodeCourse NameCredit
900.511AHistory of Health & Medical Care3-3-0
900.513AIntroduction to Health Economics3-3-0
900.529AOrganization Design and Behavior of Health Institutions3-3-0
900.530BHealth Care Financing Policy and Management3-3-0
900.536Women’s Health3-3-0
901.762BResearch in Equity for Health and Healthcare3-3-0
902.507BHealth Care Services for the Elderly3-3-0
902.517BTheory and Practice of Health Security3-3-0
902.536BComparative Health Systems and Policy3-3-0
902.540BStudies in Health Care Policy3-3-0
902.544BEconomic Evaluation in Health Care3-3-0
902.575AMedical Sociology3-3-0
902.618BGlobal Health3-3-0
902.620BResearch Methods of Health Care3-3-0
902.656BAging and Long-term Care Policy3-3-0
902.675AHealth Communication1-1-0
902.676ACommunity Health Promotion: Models and Current Issues3-3-0
902.677Econometrics in Health Care I3-3-0
902.679Modeling for Health Economic Evaluation3-3-0
902.680Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy3-3-0
902.683Long-term Card Systems and Administration3-3-0
902.685Health Care Quality, Outcomes, and Technology3-3-0
902.689Health Care Management & Strategy3-3-0
902.690Health Risk Perception & Communication1-1-0
902.691Advanced Seminar in Organizational Analysis of Health Care Field3-3-0
902.692AThe State, Economy and Medical Profession3-3-0
902.704Global Health Policy3-3-0
M2191.000100Studies in Health Systems and Services3-3-0
M2191.000200Seminar in Mental Health3-3-0
M2059.000100Political Analysis of Health Policy3-3-0
M2072.000200Seminar in Macro Health Economics3-3-0
M2072.000400Public Health Ethics3-3-0
M2072.000500Community Health Promotion Research Seminar3-3-0
M2072.000600Evidence Based Health Policy3-3-0
M2072.000700Seminar in Health Economics3-3-0
M2072.000800Seminar on Health Care Industry3-3-0
M2072.000900Multilevel Health Promotion and Integrated Approaches3-3-0
M2072.001000Health Information Technology and Policy3-3-0
M2072.001100Application of Machine Learning to Healthcare Management and Policy3-3-0
M2072.001200Networks and health3-3-0
M2072.001300Methods and Tools for Gender Mainstreaming1-1-0
M2072.001400Application of Program Evaluation Methods for Health Policy Analysis1-1-0
M2072.001500Text analysis for Public Health1-1-0
M2073.001900Global Health Field Practicum3-0-6
M2073.002000Global Health Research Methods3-3-0
M2072.000300Qualitative Methods in Health Research3-3-0
M2191.001400Decision Analysis in Public Health3-3-0
M2191.001500Seminar on Global Health Issues1-1-0
M2191.001600Planning and Evaluation of Global Health Programs3-3-0
◼︎ The recommendatory courses

Student should complete 9 credits in the recommendatory courses of each major.