WHO Collaborating Center
Seoul National University (SNU) School of Public Health (SPH) is the first and largest SPH in Korea. Its faculty members have been very active and influential in policy research not only in Korea but also in Asia and other parts of the world. The expertise of SPH will benefit WPRO in supporting member countries in the development of their health systems and policies.
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Health System and Financing will play a leading role in research on health system and financing and capacity building (training and education) for human resources in health systems. The WHOCC will collaborate with WHO and other international agencies such as OECD, World Bank, ADB, GIZ, etc. It will also work closely with the Korean ODA agencies such as KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) and KOFIH (Korea Foundation for International Health).
The WHOCC for Health System and Financing will collaborate WHO and other international agencies in advocating and supporting countries on the universal health coverage to improve financial protection. It will also provide training courses for capacity building for policy makers and researchers on health care financing, health policy, health economics, and pharmaceutical policy. It will work with WHO and other international agencies in the generation and dissemination of knowledge and information on universal health coverage and health systems, including health care financing, pharmaceuticals, and hospital reforms, etc.