Inst. of Health and Environment

Research Team

The Institute of Health and Environment was established on August 30, 1966 under SNU Ordinance No.58 of 1966.

The purpose of the Institute is to contribute to the improvement of national health through scientific research and health education. Since its establishment, the Institute has performed health-related research and statistical studies and disseminated the results.

Headed by a Director, the administrative office of the Institute consists of an associate director, three committees, and four divisions. The three committees are the Steering Committee, the Editorial Committee and the Human Subjects Ethics Committee. The four divisions are the Research Liaison Division, the Health Management Research Division, the Health and Information Research Division and the Environmental Health Research Division.

The Health Management Research Division conducts research on the development of healthcare plans and systems, healthcare workforce utilization, the management of healthcare facilities, and financing. The Health and Information Research Division is involved in the fields of biostatistics, bioinformatics, and disease control. The Environmental Health Research Division analyzes environmental pollution, assesses environmental damage, and plans for the control and prevention of pollution.

Center for Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Air Pollution

Health impact assessments of climate change and air pollution seek to 1) study the health impact of climate change and air pollution in urban atmospheric environments, and 2) propose mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change. We try to understand the interactions between air quality (greenhouse gases and aerosols) and climate factors in urban atmospheric environments. This study covers the East Asian countries of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. The research by this center will cover climate change and air pollution while focusing on the association between basic atmospheric science research as regards contaminant fate and quantitative data of the Northeast Asian region, domestic pollution and the characteristics of related quantitative information and effective air pollution control systems, determining the long-distance movement of pollutants in northeast Asia, and on policies affecting base materials. Atmospheric models and pollution-climate change scenarios are expected to contribute to the improvement of modeling. The Research Foundation of Korean will fund this research with four billion KRW for the next nine years via the Global Research Lab project.

Center for Tobacco Use Prevention

Tobacco Use Prevention Research Center aims to support practitioners by accumulating relevant evidence, developing evidence-based infrastructure and building capacity. The ultimate goal is to create Tobacco-free Generation. Therefore, the center focuses on preventing tobacco use among adolescents. Strategies to control tobacco use among adolescents are : 1) promoting leadership in tobacco use prevention, 2) reducing the uptake of smoking, 3) reducing smoking prevalence and 4) building tobacco-free environment.