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서울대학교 서울대학교 보건대학원




고광표 교수


연구실220동 752호


서울대학교 미생물학과, 학사


서울대학교 미생물학과, 석사


Harvard school of public health, 환경보건학, 석사


Harvard school of public health, 보건미생물학, 박사


Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Postdoc


분자보건미생물, 식품 및 환경미생물, 미생물 유해평가

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  • You, H. J., Si, J., Kim, J., Yoon, S., Cha, K. H., Yoon, H. S., … & Ko, G. (2022). Bacteroides vulgatus SNUG 40005 restores Akkermansia depletion by metabolite modulation. Gastroenterology.
  • Kang, H., You, H. J., Lee, G., Lee, S. H., Yoo, T., Choi, M., … & Innovative Target Exploration of NAFLD (ITEN) consortium. (2022). Interaction effect between NAFLD severity and high carbohydrate diet on gut microbiome alteration and hepatic de novo lipogenesis. Gut Microbes, 14(1), 2078612.
  • Si, J., Kang, H., You, H. J., & Ko, G. (2022). Revisiting the role of Akkermansia muciniphila as a therapeutic bacterium. Gut Microbes, 14(1), 2078619.
  • Yoon, H. S., Cho, C. H., Yun, M. S., Jang, S. J., You, H. J., Kim, J. H., … & Ko, G. (2021). Akkermansia muciniphila secretes a glucagon-like peptide-1-inducing protein that improves glucose homeostasis and ameliorates metabolic disease in mice. Nature Microbiology, 6(5), 563-573.
  • Wu, C., Jeong, M. Y., Kim, J. Y., Lee, G., Kim, J. S., Cheong, Y. E., … & Lee, S. J. (2021). Activation of ectopic olfactory receptor 544 induces GLP-1 secretion and regulates gut inflammation. Gut microbes, 13(1), 1987782.
  • Lee G, HJ You, JS Bajaj, SK Hoo, Y Yu, JH Park, JH Kim, DH Lee, W Kim, G Ko. Distinct signatures of gut microbiome and metabolites are associated with significant fibrosis in biopsy-proven non-obese NAFLD. Nature Communication, In press.
  • Seo B, Jeon K, Moon S, Lee K, Kim WK, Jeong H, Cha KH, Lim MY, Kang W, Kweon MN, Sung J, Kim W, Park JH and Ko G. 2020. Roseburia spp. ameliorate alcoholic fat liver via restoration of gut barrier functions. Cell Host Microbe. 27:25-40.
  • Kim WK, Jang YH, Han DH, Seo B, Park S, Lee CH, and Ko G. 2019. Administration of Lactobacillus fermentum KBL375 causes taxonomic and functional changes in gut microbiota leading to improvement of atopic dermatitis. Front Mol Biosci. 27:6:92
  • Jang SJ, Lee K, Kwon B, You HJ, and Ko G, 2019, Vaginal lactobacilli inhibit growth and hyphae formation of Candida albicans. Sci. Rep. 31, 9(1):8121
  • Jang YJ, Kim WK, Han DH, Lee K, and Ko G. 2019. Lactobacillus fermentum species ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by regulating the immune response and altering gut microbiota. Gut Microbes, 3:1-16
  • Si J, You HJ, Sung J, and Ko G*. 2017. Prevotella as a hub for vaginal microbiota under the influence of host genetics and their association with obesity. Cell Host Microbe. 21(1):97-105.
  • Lim MY, You HJ, Yoon HS, Kwon B, Lee KY, Lee S, Song YM, Sung J, Ko G*. 2017. The effect of heritability and host genetics on the gut microbiota and metabolic syndrome. Gut, Apr 6, 2015-311326
  • Lim S, Lim MY, Choi Y, and Ko G*. 2017. Modeling environmental risk factors of autism in mice induces IBD-related gut microbial dysbiosis and hyperserotonemia. Mol Brain. 20;10(1):14.
  • Lee H and Ko G*, 2017, New perspectives regarding the antiviral effect of vitamin A on norovirus using modulation of gut microbiota. Gut Microbes, 2;8(6):616-620.
  • Lee H and Ko G*, 2016, Antiviral effect of vitamin A on norovirus infection via modulation of the gut microbiome, Sci. Rep. 16:6:25835
  • Lim MY, You HS, Rho M, Sung J, Lee K, Ko G*. 2016. Analysis of the association between host genetics, smoking, and sputum microbiota in healthy humans. Sci. Rep., 31:6:23745
  • Yassour M, Lim My, Yun HS, Tickie TL, Sung J, Song YM, Lee K, Franzosa EA, Morgan XC, Gevers D, Landers ES, Xavier RJ, Birren BW, Ko G, and Huttenhower G, 2016, Subclinical detection of gut microbial biomarkers of obesity and type 2 diabetes, Genome Med, 17(8):17
  • Si J, Lee S, Park JM, Sung J, and Ko G*. 2015. Genetic associations and shard environmental effects on the skin microbiome of Korean twins. BMC Genomics, 23:16:992.
  • Lee S, Cantarel B, Henrissat B, Gevers D, Birren BW, Huttenhower C, Ko G*. 2014. Gene-targeted metagenomic analysis of glucan-branching enzyme gene profiles among human and animal fecal microbiota. ISME J. 8:493-503.
  • Lim MY, Rho M, Song YM, Lee KY, Sung J, Ko G*. 2014. Stability of gut enterotypes in Korean monozygotic twins and their association with biomarkers and diet. Sci. Rep. 8:4:7328.
  • Lee H, Ko G*. 2014. Effect of metformin on metabolic improvement and gut microbiota. Appl Environ Microbiol. 80:5935-5943