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서울대학교 서울대학교 보건대학원




유명순 교수

보건학과 보건정책관리학전공

전공보건조직과 건강커뮤니케이션
연구실221동 422호


Univ. of California, Berkeley, 보건조직학, 박사


서울대학교 보건대학원, 보건정책관리학, 박사수료


서울대학교 보건대학원, 보건학, 석사


서울대학교 간호학과, 학사

  • 건강위험 관리와 커뮤니케이션 (Health and Environmental Risk Management and Communication)
  • 감염병 재난과 공중보건 위기 (Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Public Health Emergency Preparedness)
  • 사회적 웰빙과 울분 (Societal Well-Being and Embitterment)
  • 보건정책 거버넌스 (Health Policy Governance)
  • 보건조직 책무성과 공공성 (Organizational Accountability and Publicness in HCOs)

Peer-Reviewed International/Domestic Journal Articles (Selected)  

  •  Choi, Jaeyun, You, Myoungsoon, & Shin, Jeonghoon. (2024). A Scoping Review of the Impact of Negative Employment Change on Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health and Social Welfare Review, 44(3), 252–272. 
  • Deng, J., Lee, M., Qin, C., Lee, Y., You, M., & Liu, J. (2024). Protective behaviors against COVID-19 and their association with psychological factors in China and South Korea during the Omicron wave: a comparative study. Public Health, 229, 116-125.
  • Lee, H., Park, J. H., Kim, S., Seo, S., Lee, M., You, M., … & Choi, S. (2024). Effect of information provision on parental intention toward COVID-19 vaccination for children: a nationwide survey experiment. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 5354.
  • Ju, Y., Scherr, S., Arendt, F., You, M., & Prieler, M. (2024). Little strokes fell big oaks: how repeated recommendations for suicide reporting drive the quality of suicide news in South Korea. OMEGA-Journal of death and dying, 00302228241228007.
  • Shin, J., Park, K., Lee, Y., Choi, S., Jang, Y., & You, M. (2023). The Protective Effect of Perceived Social Support on Psychological Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Gyeonggi Province in South Korea. Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
  • Shin, J., Lee, Y., Cho, S. I., Sung, J., Kim, S., Lee, S., … & You, M. (2023). Implication of findings from a two-wave survey on embitterment in South Korea for strategies to promote mental health of the general public. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
  • Ju, Y., You, M., & Lee, M. (2023). The Outrage Effect of Personal Stake, Effect on Children, Dread, and Controllability on COVID-19 Risk Perception Moderated by Media Use. Health Communication, 1-10.
  • Lee, M., Song, Y., You, M., Park, S. Y., & Ihm, J. (2023). Dentists’ attitudes toward patient-centered care and its predictors: a cross-sectional study in South Korea. BMC oral health, 23(1), 75.
  • Shon, C., Kim, J., & You, M. (2022). Effects of a Medical Aid program on medical utilization patterns for low-income patients with affective disorder in Seoul. Medicine, 101(20).
  • Cho, H., Lee, W., You, M., Chang, J., Hong, M., Kim, H., Lee, S. (2022). Mental health of hospital workers during the initial phase and third wave of COVID-19: Exploring risk and protective factors in the prolonged pandemic. Anxiety and Mood.
  1. 전체 논문 실적은 다음 링크(https://docs.google.com/document/d/17d4C1Y2m89ydwqs8duRXRkNGMYt0gfunuVTtmU5MgQA/edit?tab=t.0)에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
  • 유로존 경제위기의 사회적 기원. (2015). 한울아카데미.
  • 위험사회와 위험인식. (2016). 커뮤니케이션북스.
  • 아픈 사회를 넘어. (2018). 21세기북스.