김호 교수
> 2012.7.02: 일본 츠쿠바, Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting 2012 발표: "Issues in temperature-Mortality studies"
> 2012.5.31-6.01: 환경보건학회 국제공동학술대회 발표: "Estimating Cold and Heat Effects in Asian Cities"
| Publication List |
1. Yun Jung Oh, Myounghee Kim, Hajeong Lee, Jung Pyo Lee, Ho Kim, Sejoong Kim, Kook-Hwan Oh, Kwon Wook Joo, Chun Soo Lim, Suhnggwon Kim, Yon Su Kim and Dong Ki Kim “A threshold value of estimated glomerular filtration rate that predicts changes in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels: 4th Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2008” Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012 Jun;27(6):2396-403.
2. Joo Jeong, Sang Do Shin, Ho Kim, Yun Chul Hong, Seung Sik Hwang, Eui Jung Lee, “The effects of celebrity suicide on copycat suicide attempt: a multi-center observational study” Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2012 Jun;47(6):957-65.
3. Yi O, Kwon HJ, Kim D, Kim H, Ha M, Hong SJ, Hong YC, Leem JH, Sakong J, Lee CG, Kim SY, Kang D, “Association between Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure of Children and Parental Socioeconomic Status: A Cross-Sectional study in Korea" Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2012 May;14(5):607-15.
4. Ji-Young Son, Jong-Tae Lee, Ho Kim, Okhee Yi, Michelle L. Bell, “Susceptibility to air pollution on mortality in Seoul, Korea: A case-crossover analysis of individual-level effect modifiers” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2012 May; 22:227-234.
5. Myounghee Kim, Okhee Yi, Ho Kim, “The role of differences in individual and community attributes in perceived air quality”, Science of the total environment 2012 May;425: 20?26.
6. Hajeong Lee, Yun Jung Oh, Myounghee Kim, Ho Kim, Jung Pyo Lee, Sejoong Kim, Kook-Hwan Oh, Ho Jun Chin, Kwon Wook Joo, Chun Soo Lim, Suhnggwon Kim, Yon Su Kim and Dong Ki Kim, “The association of moderate renal dysfunction with impaired preference-based health-related quality of life: 3rd Korean national health and nutritional examination survey” BMC Nephrology 2012, 13:19
7. Mi Kyeong Lee, Sung-il Cho, Ho Kim, Yun-Mi Song, Kayoung Lee, Jong-il Kim, Dong-Myung Kim, Tae-Young Chung, Younsic Kim, Jeong-Sun Seo, Don-il Ham, Joohon Sung, “Epidemiologic Characteristics of Intraocular Pressure in the Korean and Mongolian Populations: The Healthy Twin and the GENDISCAN Study” OPHTHALMOLOGY 2012 Mar;119(3):450-7
8. Okhee Yi, Ho Kim, Mina Ha, Soo-Jong Hong, Yun-Chul Hong, Jong-Han Leem, Joon Sakong, Gul Gab Lee, Su-Young Kim, Dongmug Kang, “Effect of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Atopic Dermatitis among Children in Korea” Environmental Research 2012 Feb;113:40-5.
9. Youn-Hee Lim, Yun-Chul Hong, Ho Kim “Effects of Diurnal Temperature Range on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Hospital Admissions in Korea” Science of the Total Environment 2012 Feb 15;417-418:55-60.
10. S.Y. Lee, J.W. Kwon, J.H. Seo, Y.H. Song, B.J. Kim, J. Yu, K.S. Park, H. Kim, E.J. Kim, J.S. Lee, S.J. Hong, “Prevalence of Atopy and Allergic Diseases in Korean Children: Associations with a Farming Environment and Rural Lifestyle”, Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012;158:168?174.
11. Youn-Hee Lim, Ae Kyung Park, Ho Kim "Modifiers of Diurnal Temperature Range and Mortality Association in Six Korean Cities" International Journal of Biometeorology 2012 Jan;56(1):33-42.
12. Myoung Hee Kim, Ji-Won Kwon, Hyo Bin Kim, Younghwa Song, Jinho Yu,Woo-Kyung Kim, Byeong-Ju Kim, So Yeon Lee, Kyoung-Won Kim, Hye-Mi Ji, Kyu-Earn Kim, Yee-Jin Shin, Ho Kim, and Soo-Jong Hong, “Parent-Reported ISAAC Written Questionnaire May Underestimate the Prevalence of Asthma in Children Aged 10?12 Years”, Pediatric Pulmonology 2012 Jan;47(1):36-43.
정효지 교수
> 2012.7.05: 제 22회 과학기술 우수 논문상 수상
| Publication List |
1. 'Association between adherence to the Korean Food Guidance System and the risk of metabolic abnormalities in Koreans' Nutr Res Pract. 2011 December; 5(6): 560?568
조성일 교수
> 2012.5.14: 보라매병원 주최 기상재해 대응 워크샵 발표: 기상재해 감시체계의 표본설계
> 2012.5.25: Korea-Japan-China Occupational Health Symposium 발표: Emotional labor and its associated factors among Korean workers
> 2012.6.08: 직무스트레스 학회 개최 (학회장 조성일)
> 2012.6.15: 대한금연학회 발표: 가격정책의 장애요인과 해소방안
> 2012.6.20: KOICA 주최 국제보건 워크샵 발표: Overview of population health in Korea
> 2012.6.24-27: International Symposium on Forecasting 참가, 연구발표: Forecasting smoking prevalence in Korean men
| Publication List |
1. Park S, Lee JY, Song TM, Cho SI. Age-associated changes in nicotine dependence. Public Health 2012;126(6):482-9
2. Chun H, Cho SI, Khang YH, Kang M, Kim IH. Trends in gender-based health inequality in a transitional society: a historical analysis of South Korea. J Prev Med Public Health 2012;45(2):113-21
3. Park S, Cho SI, Jang SN. Health Conditions Sensitive to Retirement and Job Loss Among Korean Middle-aged and Older Adults. J Prev Med Public Health 2012;45(3):188-95
4. Ro YS, Shin SD, Noh H, Cho SI. Prevalence of Positive Carriage of Tuberculosis, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci in Patients Transported by Ambulance: A Single Center Observational Study. J Prev Med Public Health 2012;45(3):174-80
권순만 교수
> 2012.5.02-04: 캄보디아 프놈펜에서 열린 Regional Forum in Health Care Financing 에서 Key issues and challenges of health care financing in Asia 기조 강연
> 2012.5.21: 건강보험심사평가원 주최 진료비지불제도 국제학술대회에서 DRG-based payment system in Korea 발표
> 2012.5.26-29: 호주 시드니에서 열린 아시아 의약품정책 학술대회에서 Pharmaceutical policy in Korea: Role of health insurance in pricing, reimbursement and moniotring 발표
> 2012.6.15: 열린 보건경제학회 춘계학술대회에서 암보장성강화 정책의 효과 평가 발표
> 2012.6.28: 보라매병원에서 열린 공공의료포럼에서 공공의료의 국제적 지형 발표
김창엽 교수
> 2012.3.09-7.20: 매주 금요일 오전 10시, <공공보건의료와 공공성> 세미나 진행
> 2012.4.-현재: 매주 목요일 저녁, 서리풀 대안학당 <근본적 보건의료 개혁을 위한 이론적 탐색> 강좌 진행
> 2012.5.04: 건강정책학회 춘계 학술대회를 호암교수회관에서 개최 및 발표
: 일차보건의료 전략은 한국에서 여전히 유효한가
> 2012.7.09-13: 네팔 보건의료체계 관련 출장
유승현 교수
> 2012.6.01: 한국조사연구학회 춘계학회 발표: CBPR 과정에서의 참여형 질적조사 방법과 사례
> 2012.6.15: 여성가족부/한국인구학회. 혼인이주현상에 대한 인구학적 조망 토론회 토론 참가
> 2012.6.28: 한국보건교육건강증진학회 비정기학술모임 발표: CBPR에 대한 이해와 적용상
| Publication List |
1. Jeon JY, Yoo S, Kim H. Clustering patterns and correlates of multiple health behaviors in middle-aged Koreans with metabolic syndrome. Korean Journal of Health Education & Health Promotion, 2012, 29(2): 93-105.
2. Yoo S, Kim H & Cho HI. Improvements in the metabolic syndrome and stages of change for lifestyle behaviors in Korean older adults. Osong Public Health & Research Perspectives, 2012, 3(2): 85-93.
3. Yoo S. The context of perceived and desired social support among Korean older adults. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2012, Epub ahead of print.
백도명 교수
| Publication List |
1. 최예용, 임흥규, 임신예, 백도명. 가습기살균제 피해사건과 교훈.한국환경보건학회지 2012;38(2): 166-174.
2. S Song, D Paek, YM Lee, C Lee, C Park, S Yu. Ambient Fine and Ultrafine Particle Measurements and Their Correlations with Particulate PAHs at an Elementary School Near a Highway. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 2012;6(2):96-103.
윤충식 교수
> 2012.6.19: 미국 인디애나폴리스, 미국산업위생학회(AIHce2012) 발표
: Round Table: Generation of Fumes and Components Including Chromium, Manganese, and Iron by Welding Variables; and Welding Fume Filteration Efficiency and Pressure Drop Pattern of Respirators.
> 2012.7.02: 영국 IOM (Institute of Occupational Medicine) 주최, 스코틀랜드 Edinburgh 개최(X2012) 발표
: Task Based Exposure Assessment of Nanoparticles in the Workplace
이기영 교수
> 2012.7.02-05: 7th International Conference on the Science of Exposure Assessment (X2012) 발표 및 poster
: K. Lee, and T. Kim, “Application of Global Positioning System (GPS) for Better Classification of Time-Location"
: K. Lee, J. Yeom, J.D. Spengler, G.B. Kim, and S.D. Yu, “One-year Measurements of Residential Temperature and Relative Humidity: Implication of Climate Change" (poster)
최경호 교수
> 2012.5.20-24: Europe SETAC poster
: Lee GW, Lee SW, Ji KH, Kho YL, Kim PJ, Choi K. Effects of chronic exposure to gemfibrozil on aquatic organisms Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna, Moina macrocopa, and Oryzias latipes
: H.R. Jung, S.E. Kang, S.M. Kim, K.H. Ji, K.H. Choi, Endocrine disruption effect of chronic exposure to mefenamic acid on aquatic organisms Daphnia magna, Moina macrocopa and Danio rerio
> 2012.5.10: 환경독성보건학회 춘계학술대회 발표: 의약품의 생태독성영향 및 생태위해성평가
> 2012.5.31-6.01: 환경보건학회 국제공동학술대회 발표
: Lee GW, Lee SW, Ji KH, Kho YL, Kim PJ, Choi K. Effects of chronic exposure to gemfibrozil on aquatic organisms
: Jo A, Ji K, Ahn B, Choi K. Effect of the long-term exposure to perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluorotridecanoic acid (PFTrDA) in zebrafish
: Ji K, Liu X, Lee S, Kang S, Giesy JP. Exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alters plasma gonadotropin and sex homrone production and gene transcription in the hyopothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of zebrafish
: Lee S, Choi K. Potentials and mechanisms of genotoxicity of bisphenol compunds-A comparison study
: Ji K, Mankidy R, Choi K, Giesy JP. Mixture toxicity effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and CYP2C9 inhibitors on in vitro steroidogenesis
: Kang S, Kim S, Moon H, Lee S, Lee JJ, Choi G, Kim S, Choi S, Kim HJ, ark J, Kim S, Nam H, Eun S, Kim S, Suh E, Eom S, Choi K. POPs exposure and associated health effects among infants: study design
> 2012.7.11-13: 21st Symposium on Environmental Chemistry 발표
: Liu x, Ji K, Jo A, Choi K. Endocrine disruption potentials and related mechanisms of major organophosphate flame retardants
| Publication List |
1. Liu X, Lee J, Ji K, Takeda S, Choi K. Potentials and mechanisms of genotoxicity of six pharmaceuticals frequently detected in freshwater environment. Toxicol Lett 2012. 211, 70-76 (May)
2. Liu X, Ji K, Choi K. Endocrine disruption potentials of organophosphate flame retardants and related mechanisms in H295R and MVLN cell lines and in zebrafish. Aquat Toxicol 2012, 114-115, 173-181 (June)
3. Kwon D, Kim MJ, Park C, Park J, Choi K, Yoon TH. In vivo biodegradation of colloidal quantum dots by a freshwater invertebrate, Daphnia magna. Aquat Toxicol 2012. 114-115, 217-222 (June)
4. Yoon HS, Kee KM, Lee KH, Kim S, Choi K, Kang D. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (1-OHPG and 2-naphthol) and oxidative stress (malondialdehyde) biomarkers in urine among Korean adults and children. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2012, 215, 458-464 (July)
5. Lee G, Lee S, Ji K, Kim P, Choi K. Recent trend of exotoxicological research on combined exposure to pharmaceutical residues in water environment. The Korean Journal of Public Health 2012. 50(1):13-22 (July)