Vol.15 (2013.10.31.목)


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  GSPH 소식

 -2013년 서울대 건강주간

(SNU Health Week)행사


 -보건대학원 역사관 설치 완료 기념

퇴직교수님과의 오찬간담회


 -문옥륜 전자도서관 개관식


-미래환경보건선도 인재양성사업팀

BK21 플러스 사업선정


-서울시 공공보건의료정책 최고위자 교육과정(SMP-AHP) 수료식


-환경보건학과 국기봉 단합산행


  GSPH 학술











     | GSPH 동정|  교수진 동정

김호 교수 | 보건통계학연구실(II)

| Publication List |
1) (in press) Sang-Yong Eom et al., "Reference Levels of Blood Mercury and Association with Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults", International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.
2) (in press) Sug-Joon Ahn et. al., "MRI verified TMJ disk displacement in relation to sagittal and vertical jaw deformities", Journal title: International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery"
3) (in press) Sunduk Kim, Yong Seong Shina, Ho Kim, Haeoyong Pak and Jongsik Ha, "Impacts of typhoon and heavy rain disasters on mortality and infectious diarrhea hospitalization in South Korea", International Journal of Environmental Health Research
4) (2013.11) Hyewon Lee, Ho Kim, Yasushi Honda, Youn-Hee Lim, Seungmuk Yi, "Effect of Asian Dust Storms on Daily Mortality in Seven Metropolitan Cities of Korea", Atmospheric Environment 2013, 79:510-517.
5) (2013.08) Seung Seok Han, Myounghee Kim., Ho Kim, Su Mi Lee, Yun Jung Oh, Jung Pyo Lee, Sejoong Kim, Kwon Wook Joo, Chun Soo Lim, Yon Su Kim, Dong Ki Kim, "Non-Linear Relationship between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Hemoglobin in Korean Females: The Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010-2011" PLOSone 2013 8(8) e27605.
6) (2013.07) Ho-Beom Kwon, Ho Kim, Woo-Sun Jung, Tae-Woo Kim, and Sug-Joon Ahn, "Gender Differences in Dentofacial Characteristics of Adult Patients With Temporomandibular Disc Displacement", J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013 71(7):1178-1186.