Vol.17 (2017.05.31 수)
| GSPH 교수진 동정 |
조경덕 교수 | 환경화학모니터링연구실 | Publication List | Seung-Woo Nam, Kyung-Duk Zoh* (2014) Occurrence and removal of selected micropollutants in a water treatment plant, Chemosphere, Vol. 95 156–165. Seung-Woo Nam, Dae-Jin Choi, Seung-Kyu Kim, Namguk Her, Kyung-Duk Zoh∗, (2014) Adsorption characteristics of selected hydrophilic and hydrophobic micropollutants in water using activated carbon, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 270, pp. 144-152. Im JK, Yoon Y, Zoh KD* (2014) Optimization of naproxen and ibuprofen removal in photolysis using a Box-Behnken design: Effect of Fe(III), NO3- and humic acid, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 422-433. Kim I. Y, Kim M.K., Im J. K. Zoh, K. D.* (2014) Kinetics and Degradation Mechanism of Clofibric acid and Diclofenac in UV Photolysis and UV/H2O2 reaction Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol. 52, NO. 31-33. Seung-Kyu Kim, Dong-Hao Li, Mahiba Shoeib, Kyung-Duk Zoh* (2014) Contribution of diffuse inputs to the aqueous mass load of perfluoroalkyl acids in river and stream catchments in Korea, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 470-471, pp. 1430-1440. 남승우, 조경덕*(2014) 국내 먹는물 공동시설 오염발생 특성 및 수질관리 감시 대상 물질 연구, 보건학논집, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 55-66. |