Vol.18 (2014.10.31 금)
환경보건학과, 유럽연합 인력교육 프로그램(EU FP7 CAPACITIE) 참여
정기세미나 일정
박명윤-이행자 특지장학금 전달식
제26대 학생자치회 시험기간
응원 간식 배부
| GSPH 동정 | 교수진 동정
조영태 교수 | 보건인구학연구실
▷ 최근 진행 연구 과제
Health Demography lab has involved in Population Project in Ethiopia
Ethiopia, the second most populous nation in Africa with its 94 million population has a population growth rate of 2.6% annually with a total fertility rate of 4.8 at a national level. By 2050, its population will be more than double, 188 million, according to United Nations DESA estimate. Ethiopia, In spite of its encouraging economic achievements, the fast growth of its population has created a burden to its development. As part of the development strategies the government is expanding various interventions, family planning being the major, to control fertility which will help in the reduction of the burden from a fast growing dependent population and enhance saving and investment.
Health demography studies about size, composition, distribution and changes in human population with emphasis to its public health implications. Health demography lab (led by Prof. Youngtae Cho) has students from various corners of the globe and is actively involved in supporting public health interventions related to population health. The current project in Ethiopia, launched in September 2014, involves technical support to the government of Ethiopia in collaboration with Planned Population Federation of Korea (PPFK) in a three year population project funded by Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The main focus of the intervention is to establish a serial mass media communication program that will help in bringing about attitudinal and behavioral change at a community level on family planning utilization and population issues at a national level. The project will continue for the coming two and half years and is expected to share current public health strategies to the people of Ethiopia in their effort towards development. Bio Statistics lab (led by Prof. Ho Kim) also support this project by providing statistical expertise.