Vol.31 (2018.1.31 수)
| GSPH 동정 | 교수진 동정
원성호 교수 | 보건통계연구실(II)
▷진행 중 연구과제
1, 노토바이오틱 동물모델시스템 구축 및 프로바이오틱스 치료효과 규명 연구
2, 복합질환 예측 모형 개발 알고리즘 개발 및 한국인 유전체정보 컨텐츠 확립
3. 메타게놈 데이터 기반 대사성 질환 예측 모형 개발 및 검정
4, 다중오믹스 기반 암 정밀의학 구현을 위한 통계예측 모형 및 임상적용 플랫폼 개발
5, 약물유전체 지식기반 멀티오믹스 자료의 고급 통계분석 플랫폼 구축
▷ Publication list
- Koo SM, Kim Y, Park C, Park GW, Lee M, Won S†, Yang HJ†. Effect of Pregnancy on Quantitative Medication Use and Relation to Exacerbations in Asthma. Biomed Research International (SCIE) 2017;2017:8276190
- Jin H, Park T†, Won S†. Efficient Statistical Method for Association Analysis of X-Linked Variants. Human Heredity (SCI).2017 Aug 16;82(1-2):50-63.
- Sofer T†, Wong Q, Hartwig FP, Taylor K, Warren HR, Evangelou E, Cabrera CP, Levy D, Kramer H, Lange LA, Horta BL; COGENT-BP consortium, Kerr KF, Reiner AP, Franceschini N. Genome-Wide Association Study of Blood Pressure Traits by Hispanic/Latino Background: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Scientific Reports (SCI) 2017 Sep4;7(1):10348.
- Gim J, Kim W, Kwak SH, Choi H, Park C, Park KS, Kwon S, Park T†, Won S†. Disease prediction models with large scale genetic data implicates racial differences in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Pathogenesis. Genetics (SCI) 2017 Nov207(3):1147-1155
- Boueiz A, Chang Y, Cho MH, Washko GR, San José Estépar R, Bowler RP, Crapo JD, DeMeo DL, Dy JG, Silverman EK,Castaldi PJ; COPDGene Investigators. Lobar Emphysema Distribution Is Associated With 5-Year Radiological Disease Progression. Chest (SCI) 2017 Sep 21. pii: S0012-3692(17)32763-0.
- Namkung J†, Won S. Single Marker Family-Based Association Analysis Not Conditional on Parental Information. MolecularBiology Reports (SCI) 2017;1666:409-439. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7274-6.