Vol.13 (2013.4.30.화)


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  GSPH 소식

 -서울시 환경보건 직원교육 착수


 -베트남 보건부장관일행 방문


 -강원도 평창고등학교 자문방문


-보건정책관리학전공 단합산행



  GSPH 학술






-전문가 초청세미나


-전문가 초청강연



  GSPH 단신


-인터뷰: 제25대 학생자치회


-박명윤-이행자 특지장학금







     | GSPH 동정|  교수진 동정



김호 교수 | 보건통계학연구실(II)

| Publication List |
1) (in press) Sug-Joon Ahn et. al., "MRI verified TMJ disk displacement in relation to sagittal and vertical jaw deformities", Journal title: International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery"
2) (in press) Kim do H, Kim M, Kim H, Kim YL, Kang SW, Yang CW, Kim NH, Kim YS, Lee JP., "Early referral to a nephrologist improved patient survival: prospective cohort study for end-stage renal disease in Korea." PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e55323. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055323. Epub 2013 Jan 25.
3) (in press) Ho-Beom Kwon, Ho Kim, PhD, Woo-Sun Jung, Tae-Woo Kim, and Sug-Joon Ahn, "Gender Differences in Dentofacial
4) Characteristics of Adult Patients With Temporomandibular Disc Displacement", J Oral Maxillofac Surg.