Vol.14 (2013.6.30.일)


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  GSPH 소식

 -제7회 한마음대축제


 -태국 마히돌대 본교 방문


 -2013년 1학기 종강파티



  GSPH 학술


-PeSeTo2013 국제심포지엄


-GRL 국제심포지엄


-제2회 쌍둥이 국제심포지엄


-제2회 보건종합학술대회








  GSPH 단신


-인터뷰: 이승욱 교수님







     | GSPH 동정|   연구실 동정

환경독성학연구실 (지도: 최경호 교수)
> 2013.05.30-05.31: 한국환경보건학회 춘계학술대회 참석
: 구두발표
   - 김기태 박사: Efficiency of embryonic zebrafish model in toxicology: Toxicity of fold nanoparticle
: 포스터 발표
   - 이상우: Dioxin-like toxicity of sediments in Taean near Hebei Spirit Oil Spill Site and contributions of PAHs and alkylated PAHs
   - 노기완: Coexposure to caffeine affects survival of Japanese medaka following short-term exposure of three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (우수논문상 수상)
   - 하나영: Effects of long-term exposure to bezafibrate on steroidogenesis and reproduction of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes)
   - 김수진: Chemical Properties, Toxicokinetics, Environmental Occurrences, and Toxicities of Benzophenone-3 and Its Metabolites : A Review
> 2013.05.24: 스위스 물환경연구소 전준호 박사 세미나(Toxicokinetics of micropollutants in aquatic organism)
> 2013.05.04: 한선영(2010년 졸업, 안전성평가연구소 근무) 결혼
> 2013.05.21: Xiaoshan Liu (2013년 2월 졸업) 취업 및 중국 귀국
> 논문 게재
1) Kang S, Kim S, Park J, Kim HJ, Lee J, Choi G, Kim S, Kim SY, Moon HB, Kim S, Kho YL, Choi K (2013) Urinary paraben concentrations among pregnant women and their matching newborn infants of Korea, and the association with oxidative stress biomarkers. Science of The Total Environment. 461-462, 214-221.
2) Jung H, Ji K, Lee S, Liu X, Kang S, Kho Y, Ahn B, Ryu J, Lee J, Choi K (2013) Toxicity and endocrine disruption in zebrafish(Danio rerio) and two freshwater invertebrates (Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa) after chronic exposure to mefenamic acid. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 94, 80-86.