Vol.35 (2019.1.31 목)


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  GSPH 학술


 -The Dartmouth Atlas:

   More is Not Better...but it is

   more expensive!

 -International Symposium,

  Current Important Issues on

  Fine Particulate Matter Studies

 -울분하는 사람들,

   깨어진 '공정세계 신념'의 경고

 -Methods for Analyzing Panel    Data


  GSPH 소식


 -2018 보건대학원

   정기총회 및 송년의 밤

 -건강채널 & 건강정론 웹드라마



  GSPH 동문소식


 -박두용 동문 인터뷰


  GSPH 단신


 -재단법인 숲과 나눔 장학금 선정

 -학생자치회 기말고사 간식 배부

 -30대 학생자치회 임기마감 인터뷰


  교수진 동정연구실 동정






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환경독성학연구실 (지도: 최경호 교수)


▷ Publication List (2018년 12월-2019년 1월)

Liu X, Cai Y, Wang Y, Xu S, Ji K, Choi K. 2019. Effects of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) and triphenyl phosphate (TPP) on sex-dependent alterations of thyroid hormones in adult zebrafish. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 170:25-32.

Lee S, Kim C, Shin H, Kho Y, Choi K. 2019. Comparison of thyroid hormone disruption potentials by bisphenols A, S, F, and Z in embryo-larval zebrafish. Chemosphere. 221:115-123.

Kang H, Kim S, Lee G, Lee I, Lee JP, Lee J, Park H, Moon HB, Park J, Kim S, Choi G, Choi K. 2019. Urinary metabolites of dibutyl phthalate and benzophenone-3 are potential chemical risk factors of chronic kidney function markers among healthy women. Environ. Int. 124:354-360.