Vol.27 (2017.01.31 화)


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  GSPH 소식

 -백도명 교수, 제4회 리영희상 수상


 -2016 보건대학원 동창회 송년의 밤


  GSPH 학술

 -19th SNU-HU Joint Symposium

   Satellite Session : Environmental    Chemicals and Human Health


 -[보건학과 BK21플러스 사업단]

  게이미피케이션, 건강한 습관을 위한



 -보건영양학연구실 황금숙 박사 특강:

  'Metabolomics approach for   discovering biomarkers and   understanding metabolic pathway'



  GSPH 단신


 -제28대 학생자치회 임기 마감 인터뷰


 -제28대 학생자치회 기말고사

  응원간식 배부









   | GSPH 동정 |  교수진 동정



   김 호 교수  |  보건통계학연구실(I)


▷ Publication List

/*In press (online pressed) or published*/

(in press) Ana Maria Ortega-Villa, Inyoung Kim, and Ho Kim, “Semiparametric time varying coefficient model for matched case-crossover studies” Statistics in Medicine

(in press) Jayeun Kim, Ho Kim, “Influence of ambient temperature and diurnal temperature range on incidence of cardiac arrhythmias”, International Journal of Biometeorology

(in press) Yeonseung Chung, Heesang Noh, Yasushi Honda, Masahiro Hashizume, Michelle L. Bell, Yue-Liang Leon Guo, Ho Kim, “Temporal changes in mortality related to extreme temperatures for 15 cities in Northeast Asia: adaptation to heat and mal-adaptation to cold.” American Journal of Epidemiology

(2016.12) Hamdy F. F. Mahmoud, Inyoung Kim, and Ho Kim, “Semiparametric Single Index Multi Change Points Model with an Application of Environmental Health Study on Mortality and Temperature”, Environmetrics, December 2016, Volume 27, Issue 8, pages 494–506,