Vol.27 (2017.01.31 화)
Satellite Session : Environmental Chemicals and Human Health
'Metabolomics approach for discovering biomarkers and understanding metabolic pathway'
| GSPH 동정 | 교수진 동정
원성호 교수 | 보건통계학연구실(II)
▷진행 중 연구과제
1. 차세대 유전체 자료를 활용한 통합 유전 연관 분석도구의 개발
2. 약물유전체 지식기반 멀티오믹스 자료의 고급 통계분석 플랫폼 구축
3. 복합질환 예측 모형 개발 알고리즘 개발 및 한국인 유전체정보 컨텐츠 확립
4. 다중오믹스 기반 암 정밀의학 구현을 위한 통계예측
5. MRI 기반 알츠하이머성 치매 특이 뇌 손상 규명 및 뇌지도 구축
▷ Publication list
- GBD 2015 HIV collarobrator, … , Won S, et al. Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet HIV. 2016. Aug;3(8): :e361-87
- Gim J, Won S, Park T†. LPEseq: Local-Pooled-Error Test for RNA Sequencing Experiments with a Small Number of Replicates. PLoS One(SCIE). 2016 Aug 17;11(8):e0159182.
- Lim J, Won S, Park S, Kim J, Koo SH, and Kwon GC†. External Quality Assessment of Institutions and Instruments Using a Linear Mixed Model. Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance (국내학술지) 2016;38:43-51
- Wang L, Choi S, Lee S, Park T, Won S†. Comparing family-based rare variant association tests for dichotomous phenotypes. BMC Proceeding. 2016 Oct 18;10(Suppl 7):181-186.
- Lee S, Won S, Kim YJ, Kim Y. T2D-Genes Consortium., Kim BJ, Park T†. Rare variant association test with multiple phenotypes. Genetic Epidemiology (SCI). 2016 Dec 31. doi: 10.1002/gepi.22021. in press
- McDonald MN†, Won S, Mattheisen M, Castaldi PJ, Cho MH, Rutten E, Hardin M, Yip WK, Rennard SI, Lomas DA, Wouters EF, Agusti A, Casaburi R, Lange CP, O'Connor G, Hersh CP, Silverman EK. Body mass index change in gastrointestinal cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with Dedicator of Cytokinesis 1. Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle (SCIE). 2017 Jan 2. in press