Vol.17 (2017.05.31 수)
| GSPH 연구실 동정 |
복합질환및유전체역학연구실 (지도: 성주헌 교수) > 유전체역학 세미나 (매주 목요일 오후 3:00-5:00) > 2014학년 전기 석사과정 신입생 전웅, 채련 입학 > 2014.03.27: 연구실 단합대회 및 신입생 환영회2013.12.16: 연구실 송년회 > 2014.03.10-03.12: 워크샵 참여(Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine) - The 2nd Kyoto Course on Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing with Applications in Human Genetics 참여 > 2014.03.19: Open Seminar 개최(보건대학원) - Studies on Allergies and Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Works from the Allergy and Lung Health program of University of Melbourne. - by Shyamali Dharmage (Head of the Unit of Allergy and Lung Health at the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the University of Melbourne) > 2014.03.27: Open Workshop 개최(보건대학원) - Statistic Program Workshop: Basics of SAS, R and Python. > 논문게재 - Genetic influences on hallux valgus in Koreans: the healthy twin study. Lee CH, Lee S, Kang H, Jung DE, Song YM, Lee K, Lee K, Hwang J, Sung J. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2014 Apr;17(2):121-6. - Eating behaviors and weight over time in a prospective study: the Healthy Twin Study. Song YM, Lee K, Sung J. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2014;23(1):76-83. - Genome-wide association studies identify locus on 6p21 influencing lung function in the Korean population. Kim WJ, Lee MK, Shin C, Cho NH, Lee SD, Oh YM, Sung J. Respirology. 2014 Apr;19(3):360-8. |